MS SQL Server: Learn MS SQL Server from Scratch.
What you’ll learn

No Prior Database OR SQL experience is required
Start learning from scratch and learn about every MS SQL Server topic with examples
Learn SQL basics with SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)
U​se SQL commands to filter, sort and manipulate strings, dates numerical data from different sources
Retrieving data from database with different scenarios
You will also learn SQL transactions and transaction commands
How to create your own function
User privileges, permission commands and roles
Learn how to create, alter and drop tables
Learn how to create, alter and drop database

Welcome to MS SQL Server: Learn MS SQL Server from Scratch course

SQL is the standard language for Relation Database System. All relational database management systems like SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, and others use SQL as the standard database language. SQL is used to communicate with a database.

In this SQL – MS SQL course, you will make an excellent introduction to SQL with MS Management Studio which allows to manage database and retrieve data from the database with a graphical interface.

We are going to start to learn from the basics and step by step we will be building our knowledge on SQL MS SQL.

Everyone, who is at the beginner level, can take this course. And this course will get you further. This course is a hands-on course. First, you will learn some theory and then you will have a chance to apply what you learn.

In this SQL MS SQL course you will learn;

How to install and setup these requirements.

You will learn the basics of SQL such as data, database, DBMS or SSMS, SQL, tables, and so on.

Database normalization,

Manipulating data,

Retrieving data from the database with different scenarios,

You will also learn SQL transactions and transaction commands,

Schema and schema objects and

User privileges, permission commands, and roles.